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The Mastery of Habits for

Weight Loss

A step-by-step method for women who suffer from being overweight and want to learn how to work with their body by balancing blood sugar to feel great and lose the weight for good.

What you are going to get:

  • Structured 3-Month Program

Use this to guide you in a clear direction so you can instantly start improving your health, lose weight, and feel happy with yourself again.

  • Step-by-Step Guides

Access weekly audio or video learning lessons and complete corresponding action tasks to further your knowledge and improve your eating habits. This will be invaluable in walking you through how to implement changes that will lead to sustainable habits to balance blood sugar so you can lose weight for good.

  • Ongoing Support & Accountability

Never feel like you’re going through this journey alone when you join other participants and me in the Mastery of Habits for Weight Loss Facebook group. Here you will have access to additional training, support, and accountability.

$119/month - 6 months

(or $597 pay in full price)



We Respect Your Privacy & Information

Invest With Confidence Guarantee

Here’s how the guarantee works:

If, after you complete the first 2 modules and corresponding worksheets you still feel like the program isn't right for you, then you can submit for a refund. You will need to submit the first two modules’ corresponding completed worksheets, and any other information required by Integrated Nutrition LLC to support@inutritioncenter.com, with the title REFUND within 21 days of being enrolled in the program. You will then receive a full refund and any future payments will be canceled. The submission for refund must be received within the first 21 days of being enrolled in the program.

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